Ideal for residential tree services, utility line clearing, vegetation management, maintenance contractors and municipalities, this high-capacity, high-production chipper includes more standard features than any other chipper in its class. Many customer-inspired innovations are featured on the Eeger Beever 1821, increasing efficiency and safety while reducing operating and maintenance costs. The 1821 is also available tracked for right of way clearing, highway clean-ups and hard-to-reach areas requiring a self-propelled unit for material access.
Features may include:
HYDROSTATIC CONTROLSFlail drive is a closed loop hydraulic design with separate hydraulic systems to operate each flail drum. Each system is complete with electric tach and controls in operator’s cab
SPREADER INFEEDThis unique infeed system spreads multiple stems apart, which assists with more complete bark removal.
CHIPPER DISCEach disc is fabricated from plate steel and put through ultrasonic testing. Material certification is issued for each disc, which provides the best chipper disc in the industry.
CHIP QUALITYUnits produce quality chips even in non-merchantable and juvenile timber.